Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My Father's Bible

My Dad bought this Cambridge KJV Bible bound in French Morocco leather 41 years ago today. I inherited it when he died and cherish it to this day. In 1971 we were living in Weslaco, Texas. Here are some pictures of my father's Bible.

The morocco leather cover is worn from use.

The title page. This edition was published in Great Britain.

Dad's Bible is filled with notes. Here is the presentation page.

A close-up of Dad's notes about his conversion and baptism.

One of the family records pages.

Opening to the Sermon on the Mount.

In the back of Dad's Bible he wrote a list of verses that were important to him.

Altogether, Dad listed 123 verses which had special meaning to him. I cherish these verses because he cherished them.

In the front of his Bible Dad wrote these verses.

Other notes from the opening pages of Dad's Bible.

Opening to the Psalms.

French Morocco leather, the edges tattered from use.

The Lord's Prayer.

(Click on the pics for a bigger view. You can also right click and open them in another tab or window for an even bigger view and then click on the + for a huge and up-close look.)

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